7.3 Exercises

Exercise  7.1 Suppose we are working with the following DCG:

   s  -->  foo,bar,wiggle.
   foo  -->  [choo].
   foo  -->  foo,foo.
   bar  -->  mar,zar.
   mar  -->  me,my.
   me  -->  [i].
   my  -->  [am].
   zar  -->  blar,car.
   blar  -->  [a].
   car  -->  [train].
   wiggle  -->  [toot].
   wiggle  -->  wiggle,wiggle.

Write down the ordinary Prolog rules that correspond to these DCG rules. What are the first three responses that Prolog gives to the query s(X,[]) ?

Exercise  7.2 The formal language a n b n −{ ϵ } consists of all the strings in a n b n except the empty string. Write a DCG that generates this language.

Exercise  7.3 Let a n b 2 n be the formal language which contains all strings of the following form: an unbroken block of a s of length n followed by an unbroken block of b s of length 2n , and nothing else. For example, abb , aabbbb , and aaabbbbbb belong to a n b 2 n , and so does the empty string. Write a DCG that generates this language.

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